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Triggers in Structured Streaming

Structured Streaming repeatedly reads and processes data from the source in micro-batches; triggers configure how frequently a Structured Streaming query runs its micro-batches. The following are some examples of trigger definitions:

  • Start a micro-batch immediately after the previous micro-batch finishes
  • Start a micro-batch periodically, such as hourly or daily

While starting a micro-batch immediatley after the previous micro-batch finishes is great for low-latency use-cases, starting a micro-batch periodically still provides the benefits of streaming pipelines, such as incremental processing of the source, guaranteed delivery semantics, and automatic clean-up of old state from stateful operators.


If you have a batch Spark job that you run as a cron job, consider running it as a Structured Streaming job with a periodic trigger. It will be more reliable and efficient than repeated batch jobs.

Available trigger types

Trigger Description
Micro-batch trigger (default) The default trigger is the Micro-batch trigger, where a micro-batch starts as soon as the previous micro-batch completes. Since there is no delay between micro-batches, the default trigger interval is effectively 0 seconds.
Processing Time trigger The Processing Time trigger starts micro-batches at a user-defined interval. If a micro-batch completes within this interval, Spark waits until the interval elapses for the next one. If a micro-batch exceeds the interval duration, the next one starts immediately upon completion, without waiting for the next interval.
Available Now trigger The Available Now trigger starts a query that processes all available data at time of query creation and then exits. It processes the data in multiple micro-batches based on the source options (such as maxFilesPerTrigger for the file source). It processes all unprocessed data as of the time when the query starts. It does not process data that arrives during the execution of the micro-batches.
Once trigger (deprecated) The Once trigger starts a query that processes all unprocessed data at the time of query creation in one batch. Beware: it will not respect source options.
Continuous trigger (experimental) The Continuous trigger starts a query that executes in a low-latency, continuous processing mode. See Continuous trigger.

Trigger type use cases

The following table describes the use case for each type of trigger.

Trigger Use case
Micro-batch (default) trigger If latency is your most important requirement, use the Micro-batch trigger for the lowest latency. With this trigger, you can process data as fast as possible.
Processing Time trigger If you have a stream of data that needs to be processed without a real-time latency requirement, use the Processing Time trigger. For example, if your goal is to generate a daily report at the end of each day to report on that day's sales, use a Processing Time trigger set for 24 hours. The benefit to using a Processing Time trigger is that when your query isn't running, your cluster can be used to run other jobs. This trigger provides a balance between latency and cost.
Available Now If you have a stream of data that you need to process in a one-off fashion, but you don't want to have to reprocess data you already processed, use the Available Now trigger. This trigger is the most cost-effective trigger. You could spin up a cluster, run a stream with an Available Now trigger, wait for it to terminate 1, and then spin down your cluster.
Once trigger (deprecated) You really shouldn't be using the Once trigger: it's deprecated. Use the Available Now trigger.
Continuous trigger (experimental) The Continuous trigger is an experimental mode trigger with limited support. This trigger only supports stateless queries and doesn't emit any metrics. If you have a stateless pipeline and require single-digit millisecond latency, try this mode.


# Micro-batch (default) trigger (runs the next micro-batch as soon as it can)
df.writeStream \
    .format("console") \

# Processing Time trigger with two-seconds between micro-batches 
df.writeStream \
    .format("console") \
    .trigger(processingTime='2 seconds') \

# Available Now trigger
df.writeStream \
    .format("console") \
    .trigger(availableNow=True) \

# Once trigger (Deprecated, encouraged to use Available Now trigger)
df.writeStream \
    .format("console") \
    .trigger(once=True) \

# Continuous trigger with one-second checkpointing interval
    .trigger(continuous='1 second')
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.Trigger

// Micro-batch (default) trigger (runs the next micro-batch as soon as it can)

// Processing Time trigger with two-seconds between micro-batches 
    .trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime("2 seconds"))

// Available Now trigger

// Once trigger (Deprecated, encouraged to use Available Now trigger)

// Continuous trigger with one-second checkpointing interval
    .trigger(Trigger.Continuous("1 second"))
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.Trigger

// Micro-batch (default) trigger (runs the next micro-batch as soon as it can)

// Processing Time trigger with two-seconds between micro-batches 
    .trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime("2 seconds"))

// Available Now trigger

// Once trigger (Deprecated, encouraged to use Available Now trigger)

// Continuous trigger with one-second checkpointing interval
    .trigger(Trigger.Continuous("1 second"))
# Micro-batch (default) trigger (runs the next micro-batch as soon as it can), "console")

# Processing Time trigger with two-seconds between micro-batches, "console", trigger.processingTime = "2 seconds")

# TODO: Is Available Now supported?
# Once trigger //deprecated?, "console", trigger.once = TRUE)

# Continuous trigger is not yet supported

  1. We discuss how to wait for termination (and other such lifecycle events) in Managing the Query Lifecycle